eWebinar for Onboarding

Onboard 100s of people without having to do 100s of webinars.

Seminarios web pregrabados con chat.

Caso práctico 4_ Demostraciones de ventas de SaaS

Seminarios web pregrabados con chat.

Companies that trust eWebinar for onboarding

El problema

Webinars are perfect for onboarding,
but you can only do so many
and you're burnt out from trying.

Dé la bienvenida a cada asistente con un mensaje personalizado automatizado y reciba una notificación si chatean para que puedas responder en tiempo real o más tarde, según te convenga.

You can never offer enough webinars to accomodate everyone's schedule.

Something always goes wrong with your audio, your video, or some other nonsense.

Your team is sick of repeating the same webinar and would rather work on other stuff.

La solución

Automate your onboarding without sacrificing a high-touch experience.

Cómo funciona eWebinar



Cargar y añadir interacciones

Enhance your pre-recorded onboarding video with 20+ interactions like polls and quizzes to keep attendees engaged, listening, and learning from start to finish.


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Prográmelo 100 veces

Offer your onboarding webinar on demand, on a recurring schedule for those who can’t watch right away, or let people sign up to get a replay link they can watch later – and triple your attendance.


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Effortlessly manage 1-to-1 chat at scale

Send an automated, personalized message to every person who joins and get notified if they chat back, so you can respond to every customer question in real time or later via email. No one falls through the cracks.

Onboard new customers, contractors, and employees at scale with ease.

Save tons of time by automating your onboarding webinars

Increase attendance by making onboarding available on demand

Exceed expectations with a personalized experience that feels high-touch

Designed for
Onboarding at Scale

Atractivos seminarios web pregrabados

Massive time savings through automation and no more burn out from doing the same onboarding sessions live over and over again.

Reliably High-Quality Experience

A perfect first impression is guaranteed: the same great presentation every time – literally – without any of the tech issues that can ruin live webinars.

Ridículamente fácil de instalar

La mayoría de los programas de webinar son toscos y poco intuitivos. Con eWebinar, puedes personalizar tu primer webinar en 10 minutos sin ninguna ayuda - y divertirte haciéndolo.

Análisis útiles

Measure the success of your onboarding by attendance, watch time, engagement, responses to interactions, and 10+ more data points.

Más información

Progressive Webinar Series

Create learning paths by making it easy for users to register for the next webinar in your series during the previous webinar or shortly after it ends.

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Integración del chat con Slack

Conecte eWebinar a su Slack para que cualquier miembro de su equipo pueda responder directamente desde un canal dedicado sin salir de su flujo de trabajo.

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Other Seamless Integrations

Envíe los datos de los asistentes a su CRM a través de una de nuestras numerosas integraciones directas o Zapier para realizar un seguimiento segmentado y nutrir a los clientes potenciales.

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Interfaz móvil basada en navegador

Ya sea en un ordenador o en un teléfono, tanto usted como sus asistentes disfrutarán de una elegante experiencia de usuario basada en el navegador, sin necesidad de instalar ninguna aplicación.

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No se fíe de nuestra palabra.

Escúchelo de nuestros clientes.

Fotografía de Jenn Tervo

Jenn Tervo

Customer Enablement Manager at Market Leader

Fotografía de Jenn Tervo

Jenn Tervo

Customer Enablement Manager at Market Leader

We needed to make our onboarding process scalable so that it could grow with our customer base. eWebinar has allowed us to do that.

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Fotografía de la cabeza de Cameron Brown

Cameron Brown

US Director of Customer Success at ActivePipe

Fotografía de la cabeza de Cameron Brown

Cameron Brown

US Director of Customer Success at ActivePipe

Even though the webinar is recorded, we can still engage with customers in an authentic manner through eWebinar's chat – just like we would if we were there with them in person and answering their questions.

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Will Yang Headshot

Will Yang

Director de Crecimiento de Instrumentl

will yang video thumbnail-1
Reproducir vídeo
Will Yang Headshot

Will Yang

Director de Crecimiento de Instrumentl

What’s really impressive to us is that people are staying until the end. Actually 86% of folks are staying until the end and the average watch time is 91%. Plus, customer activation with eWebinar is 75%!

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Anett Vándor

Responsable de atención al cliente en Later

En los seminarios web en directo, es difícil responder a todas las preguntas antes de que termine la sesión. Ahora realizamos más de 100 webinars al mes y solo dedicamos una hora al día a responder cada mensaje.

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liz luke

Liz Luke

Vicepresidente de Éxito de Corredores en zavvie

eWebinar doesn't come with the challenges you face any time you try to do live webinars, like whether you can get everyone there at the right time, or time zone struggles.

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ren blake

Ren Blake

Customer Success Program Manager at Gem

Ahora ofrecemos una incorporación personalizada a gran escala y ahorramos más de 1.000 horas al año.

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