Podcast de ProfitLed

S2E26: 9 Most Important PLG Lessons Learned

S2E26 9 Most Important PLG Lessons Learned


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Sobre este episodio

When Melissa cofounded eWebinar, she had no idea it was going to be “product-led”. Before becoming an entrepreneur, she had always been in B2B sales and biz dev roles. She was always a sales-led founder as both her previous startups were enterprise SaaS. The word “product-led growth” didn’t even exist in her vocabulary!

When she ran out of leads to sell to in her network 9 months after launching eWebinar, she asked other founders for help. You can imagine her surprise when she learned that low cost, self-serve SaaS products were sold in a completely different way. Turns out, people don’t pick up the phone for $99/month products; they prefer to do their own research and sign up at their own pace.

On this episode, Melissa and Todd dive into the 9 most important PLG (product-led growth) lessons learned as they powered through and figured things out by trying everything under the sun from playbooks, experts, and friends.

• Marketing strategies that worked, and ones that didn’t
• Why you should invest in high quality, engaging content
• Why customers aren’t always your greatest source of info
• Hardships and beauty of making a self-serve SaaS startup work

Conectar con Melissa

  • Sigue a Melissa Kwan en LinkedIn, donde comparte semanalmente historias y lecciones de su viaje como fundadora.
  • Encuéntrala en @themelissakwan en Instagram, TikTok, Twitter y YouTube, donde comparte vídeos cortos de consejos de negocios y otras bombas de verdad.

Acerca de ProfitLed

En la segunda temporada de ProfitLed, Melissa (CEO y cofundadora de eWebinar) y Todd (COO) profundizan en un tema por episodio sobre su "Viaje a los 1M$" en eWebinar.

Comparten historias de guerra, errores y lecciones aprendidas mientras hacían crecer la empresa hasta alcanzar un millón de ARR en 36 meses. Su objetivo es desmitificar el bootstrapping compartiendo su experiencia, y contarte cómo es realmente descubrir las cosas sobre la marcha.

ProfitLed es un podcast por y para fundadores lo suficientemente valientes (y locos) como para hacer crecer sus startups hasta la rentabilidad sin capital riesgo.

Obtenga más información sobre el podcast ProfitLed y tuitéenos en @profitledfm.

Más información sobre eWebinar.