Sobre este episodio
eWebinar was built in a silo for 18 months before the first person signed up for a trial. Melissa and her team had no idea if this business would become “real”, and if people were going to pay for the service.
On this episode, Melissa and Todd recount stories of when they knew they were onto something, through customer interactions and feedback, outgrowing their marketing website, and hitting scaling issues from increased usage.
• Signs of our business business becoming “real” post launch
• How customers, marketing, and pricing changed as business grew
• Product enhancements we had to do as a result of scaling issues
• How growth changed the way we approached the business
En la segunda temporada de ProfitLed, Melissa (CEO y cofundadora de eWebinar) y Todd (COO) profundizan en un tema por episodio sobre su "Viaje a los 1M$" en eWebinar.
Comparten historias de guerra, errores y lecciones aprendidas mientras hacían crecer la empresa hasta alcanzar un millón de ARR en 36 meses. Su objetivo es desmitificar el bootstrapping compartiendo su experiencia, y contarte cómo es realmente descubrir las cosas sobre la marcha.
ProfitLed es un podcast por y para fundadores lo suficientemente valientes (y locos) como para hacer crecer sus startups hasta la rentabilidad sin capital riesgo.
Obtenga más información sobre el podcast ProfitLed y tuitéenos en @profitledfm.
Más información sobre eWebinar.