Sobre este episodio
Everyone says you need to measure everything so you can make data-driven decisions on your product. That's exactly the strategy eWebinar DID NOT follow, especially when there's not going to be enough data when you don't have enough users.
On this episode, Melissa and Todd shares how they decided on priorities even before having a significant customer base, and the lean process their product team goes through to execute on feature development and roll out.
• How we came up with an initial wishlist as a guideline
• How we prioritized by listening to customers (but not always)
• Why we didn't measure anything nor make data-drive decisions
• The process of deciding on features per quarter and executing
• Things we do that are significantly different than large companies
En la segunda temporada de ProfitLed, Melissa (CEO y cofundadora de eWebinar) y Todd (COO) profundizan en un tema por episodio sobre su "Viaje a los 1M$" en eWebinar.
Comparten historias de guerra, errores y lecciones aprendidas mientras hacían crecer la empresa hasta alcanzar un millón de ARR en 36 meses. Su objetivo es desmitificar el bootstrapping compartiendo su experiencia, y contarte cómo es realmente descubrir las cosas sobre la marcha.
ProfitLed es un podcast por y para fundadores lo suficientemente valientes (y locos) como para hacer crecer sus startups hasta la rentabilidad sin capital riesgo.
Obtenga más información sobre el podcast ProfitLed y tuitéenos en @profitledfm.
Más información sobre eWebinar.